
Preview image, with a phone telling the user to touch grass

Get off your phone!

My journey learning more about how to reduce phone usage, and eventually building something. It's as complicated as fun to solve!

7 posts  · 
Preview image, with a screenshot of Godbolt's compiler explorer

Maintaining RSpotify

I sharpened my Rust skills by maintaining RSpotify, a crate providing complete bindings for Spotify's Web API. My work includes reducing bloat, adding features and improving its performance.

3 posts  · 
Preview image, with the logos of Lua, Wasm, Python, eBPF, and more

A Plugin System in Rust

My LFX Mentorship with Tremor, written in Rust. I implement a Plugin System using dynamic loading, also investigating alternatives like WebAssembly or eBPF.

8 posts  ·